Sheila and Daniel McPherson have been married for nearly 16 years. They were both born and raised in Parkersburg, WV. They are very much connected to this area, in large part because of their families being from Wood County as well. Spending time with their three grandchildren is something that they both truly enjoy.
They both attended Parkersburg South High School, several years apart. Daniel has been known for his hard work since he was in high school. From going to class and working on the dairy farm after school, he kept pretty busy. Daniel has been driving trucks for a living for the last 20 years. He really enjoys doing what he does and hopes to continue doing it for a long time. Sheila spent some time as a stay at home mom and also operated a small daycare. When she was in high school, Sheila worked in the co-op program. Being a full time student and also working is impressive and is something that she is proud of. When she wanted to go back to work, she knew that she wanted to go back into the Wood County school system. She was familiar with it and loved the idea of working there again. Sheila works as a secretary and she really enjoys it. The thing she most enjoys is the “chance to help kids and to see them succeed.”
On top of work and spending time with family, Sheila and Daniel enjoy going to their church, Mineral Wells Church of Christ. They have attended this church for some time now and have established some relationships there. They also enjoy going camping. Between work, family, church and outdoor activities, both Sheila and Daniel have been quite busy over the years. They are very appreciative of the opportunities they have been given and look forward to continuing to make a difference in people’s lives, however they can.
Sheila had been experiencing numbness in her hands for a while and wanted to get it checked out. She came to PARS Brain & Spine Institute to see Dr. Khosrovi or Dr. HK, as most patients call him, about carpal tunnel surgery. This is when Sheila found out she had a crushed vertebrae. Dr. HK informed her that they would need to hold off on the carpal tunnel and focus on the vertebrae. Sheila has also had migraines for years and it had never occurred to her that the migraines had anything to do with her neck. After consulting with the doctor and understanding the need to address this problem in her neck, she went ahead with the surgery to fix the crushed vertebrae. This alleviated the migraines almost immediately. Sheila said, “I was expecting to have this awful pain when I woke up from surgery, but I had a sore throat for a few days and then I was ready to go back to work.” Now that she is not having the migraines or neck trouble, she is able to focus on the carpal tunnel issue. Sheila is scheduled to have that procedure in March and she is looking forward to it.
There is one important reason that Sheila chose PARS for her care. That is because of the experience her husband Daniel had about ten years ago. Daniel has had back trouble for a very long time, dating back to when he started working on the dairy farm. He wasn’t able to stand for very long before he would need to sit down. The pain just kept getting worse. He tried therapy, chiropractors and even pain injections. None of these forms of alternative treatment seemed to work for Daniel. He was referred to PARS to get these symptoms checked out. Dr. HK assessed Daniel and informed him that he had three discs in his back that would need to be repaired. Daniel had the surgery to repair the three discs and said, “there was an immediate relief of pain.” Daniel hasn’t had the issues with his back anymore and is able to more active.
Sheila and Daniel both really liked the idea of having their care right here in the Mid-Ohio Valley. They didn’t want to travel out of town and deal with all that comes with that. “The care by the staff at PARS was great and we couldn’t have asked for a better experience.” Sheila and Daniel both made the decision to choose PARS for their medical care and they are both glad to be experiencing their lives in a more active way.